After six hundred years of Benedictine life, the Sacra remained almost abandoned for over two centuries! In 1836 King Charles Albert of Savoy was seeking to install a stable religious congregation, in his desire for the rehabilitation of the monument which had been the jewel of both the Piedmont Church and of his family. He offered the work to Antonio Rosmini, the young founder of the Institute of Charity, who accepted it, finding the task consistent with the spirit of his congregation.
Pope Gregory XVI, in a Brief of August 1836, appointed the Rosminians administrators of the Sacra and of the remaining revenues of the abbey. At the same time, the king entrusted to their custody the bodies of twenty-four members of the Royal House of Savoy, brought from the Cathedral of Turin, now entombed in the sanctuary within heavy stone sarcophagi. The choice of this ancient abbey highlights Antonio Rosmini’s perspective of spirituality: in his Ascetical writings, he constantly reminds his religious brethren of the priority of the contemplative life as the catalyst that gives meaning and quality to any external activity; in participating in the active life, the consecrated brothers respond only to the voice of Providence, and all works of charity, at any place or in any time, are of benefit if they perfect him in the love of God. The Rosminian Fathers remained at the Sacra even after the law of forfeiture of ecclesiastical property which, in 1867, stripped the religious community of the few goods needed for a dignified subsistence and of the minimum income required for maintenance of the building. The Rosminians are still present and the walls of the Sacra echo with a flurry of diverse initiatives. The visit of Pope John Paul II (14/7/91) was a great source of encouragement. Activities at the Sacra are planned and promoted by the presence of co-workers together with many volunteers, supported by public and private institutions, especially the Regional Government, following the special decree dated 21/12/1994 which adopted The Sacra as “the monumental symbol of Piedmont”.