The most impressive aspect of the abbey is facing us. The solidity of the façade (41 meters high) is emphasised by the steely-grey colouring of the blocks forming the foundation which contrast with the sweeping curves of the greenish church, crowned by the central apse with its impressive gallery of little arches (the “Loggia of Viretti” ) which is among the best surviving examples of Romanesque apsidal loggias.

The Benedictine monks undertook the colossal construction work of the base in the first half of the 12th century, to erect the large five-apse church on top.


On 24 September 2005, on an outcrop of rock between the “Old Monastery” and the basement of the church the statue of St. Michael the Archangel was positioned. Created by the sculptor Paul dë Doss-Moroder (click here for more info), a Tyrolean artist, whose most important works are found in Italy, Germany and America Paul dë Doss-Moroder (inserire link sito artista), artista altoatesino, le cui opere più importanti si trovano in Italia, in Germania e in America. 

This is, without doubt, a new and original interpretation of the Archangel Michael, a large work (height: 5.2 m, plus 1.8 m wings, weight: 3,400 kg approx.). The statue won the national competition held by the Sacra for the creation of a sculpture inspired by the Archangel Michael.

The artist describes his work in this way: “Saint Michael was the Archangel of Good, who defeated evil: my statue seeks to reflect this above all, in our world unfaithful to Peace. The work consists of two parts: in one, St. Michael the Archangel is on a solid rock, the same as that on which the Abbey is erected, victor of Good, emissary of Peace and Bearer of the Word of God; in the other, the wings of the defeated Angel of Evil plunge into darkness at the foot of the protruding rock. The Archangel is also the gatekeeper of the Kingdom of God, which symbolically opens in the wall behind the sculpture.”


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TELEPHONE: +39 011939130
ddress Via alla Sacra, 14 - 10057 S. Ambrogio (TO)
